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Administrative Decision No. (74) of 2023 Concerning the Issuance of Executive Regulation of Law No. (14) of 2020 Concerning the Time Sharing in the Emirate of Dubai

This Decision shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall come into force from the date of its publication.

Director General of the Department of Economy and Tourism Resolution No. (39) of 2023 Issuing the Executive Regulations for Executive Council Resolution No. (24) of 2020 Regarding the Tourist Camps in the Emirate of Dubai

under translation

Administrative Decision No. (39) of 2023 Regarding the Issuance of the Executive Regulation of Executive Council Resolution No. (24) of 2020 Regarding the Tourist Camps in the Emirate of Dubai

The department may, either on its own initiative or upon the request of the tourist establishment, modify the classification category of the tourist camp to a higher or lower category, based on the main and sub-classification requirements, and the level and type of tourist services available at the tourist camp.

Director General of Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism Resolution No. (50) of 2022 Cancelling the Administrative Instructions No. (1) of 2007 Concerning the First Aid in Hotel Establishments


Decision No. (45) Of 2022 by the Director General of the Department of Economy and Tourism in the Emirate of Dubai to Cancel Administrative Instruction No. (1) of 2004 Regarding Health Clubs in Hotel Establishments

Decision No. (45) Of 2022 by the Director General of the Department of Economy and Tourism in the Emirate of Dubai to Cancel Administrative Instruction No. (1) of 2004 Regarding Health Clubs in Hotel Establishments

Executive Council Resolution No. (24) of 2020 regarding tourist camps in the Emirate of Dubai

Executive Council Resolution No. (24) of 2020 regarding tourist camps in the Emirate of Dubai

Tourism and Real Estate Marketing Department Decision No. (1) of 2020 issuing the Executive Regulation of Decree No. (41) of 2013 regulating the activity of renting holiday homes in the Emirate of Dubai

Tourism and Real Estate Marketing Department

Tourism and Commerce Marketing Department Decision No. (2) of 2020 regarding determining the criteria for calculating, collecting and supplying the Tourism Dirham in the Emirate of Dubai

Tourism and Commerce Marketing Department

Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing Decision No. (1) of 2018 Regarding the Application of Classification Criteria for Hotel Establishments in the Emirate of Dubai


Tourism and Commerce Marketing Department Decision No. 1 of 2016 regarding the second issue of holiday home rental regulations in the Emirate of Dubai

Tourism and Commerce Marketing Department Decision No. 1 of 2016 regarding the second issue of holiday home rental regulations in the Emirate of Dubai

Tourism and Commerce Marketing Department Decision No. 3 of 2015 regarding the issuance of vacation rental laws in the Emirate of Dubai - its provisions were reorganized according to Tourism and Trade Marketing Decision No. 1 of 2016 regarding the second issuance of holiday rental systems in the Emirate of Dubai

Tourism and Commerce Marketing Department Decision No. 3 of 2015 regarding the issuance of vacation rental laws in the Emirate of Dubai - its provisions were reorganized according to Tourism and Trade Marketing Decision No. 1 of 2016 regarding the second issuance of holiday rental systems in the Emirate of Dubai

Tourism and Commerce Marketing Department Decision No. 4 of 2015 regarding the issuance of the regulations for the tourism dirham in the Emirate of Dubai

Tourism and Commerce Marketing Department Decision No. 4 of 2015 regarding the issuance of the regulations for the tourism dirham in the Emirate of Dubai

Tourism and Commerce Marketing Department Decision No. 5 of 2002 regarding violations and administrative penalties resulting from a violation of the provisions of the land tourist trips law No. 2 of 2002

Tourism and Commerce Marketing Department Decision No. 5 of 2002 regarding violations and administrative penalties resulting from a violation of the provisions of the land tourist trips law No. 2 of 2002

Administrative Decision No. (3) of 1998 regarding the principles and rules for the inspection of hotels, inns and furnished apartments

Administrative Decision No. (3) of 1998 regarding the principles and rules for the inspection of hotels, inns and furnished apartments

Regulation No. (6) For the year 2006 regarding the licensing of tourist establishments and offices of the ambassador.

Regulation No. (6) For the year 2006 regarding the licensing of tourist establishments and offices of the ambassador.

Regulation No. (4) For the year 2006 regarding the field tourist camps.

Regulation No. (4) For the year 2006 regarding the field tourist camps.

Regulation No. (3), for the year 2002, regarding the registration fees for taking part in exhibitions and seminars.

Regulation No. (3), for the year 2002, regarding the registration fees for taking part in exhibitions and seminars.

Regulation No. (2), for the year 2002, regarding the land tourist trips in the Emirate of Dubai .

Regulation No. (2), for the year 2002, regarding the land tourist trips in the Emirate of Dubai .

Regulation No. (3), for the year 2000, regarding the amendment of certain provisions, regarding licensing and classification of hotels, inns and hotel apartments- Amended law was cancelled.

Regulation No. (3), for the year 2000, regarding the amendment of certain provisions, regarding licensing and classification of hotels, inns and hotel apartments- Amended law was cancelled.

Regulation No. (2), for the year 2000, regarding the rehabilitation of workers in the tourism sector in Dubai.

Regulation No. (2), for the year 2000, regarding the rehabilitation of workers in the tourism sector in Dubai.

Regulation No. (1), for the year 1998, regarding the licensing and classification of hotels, inns and hotel apartments- Cancelled pursuant to article (20) of Decree No. (17)/ 2013, on licensing and classification of hotel institutions in the Emirate of Dubai .

Regulation No. (1), for the year 1998, regarding the licensing and classification of hotels, inns and hotel apartments- Cancelled pursuant to article (20) of Decree No. (17)/ 2013, on licensing and classification of hotel institutions in the Emirate of Dubai .

Law No. (1), for the year 1997, regarding the establishment of the Tourist and Commercial marketing Department.

Law No. (1), for the year 1997, regarding the establishment of the Tourist and Commercial marketing Department.

Law No. (20) of 2021 Establishing the Department of Economy and Tourism in the Emirate of Dubai

Law No. (20) of 2021 Establishing the Department of Economy and Tourism in the Emirate of Dubai

Decree No. (17) of 2013 Concerning the Licensing and Classification of Hotel Establishments in the Emirate of Dubai

Decree No. (17) of 2013 Concerning the Licensing and Classification of Hotel Establishments in the Emirate of Dubai

Executive Council Resolution No. (2) of 2014 Concerning the Adoption of the Tourism Dirham Fee in the Emirate of Dubai

Executive Council Resolution No. (2) of 2014 Concerning the Adoption of the Tourism Dirham Fee in the Emirate of Dubai


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Decree No. (25) of 2013 regarding the digital system of events licensing, marketing and distributing tickets in the Emirate of Dubai

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Law No. (6) of 2023 establishing the Dubai Registration and Commercial Licensing Authority

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