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Cabinet Resolution No. (133) of 2023 Concerning the Executive Regulation of the Federal Decree No. (6) of 2023 Concerning the Juvenile Offenders and Persons at Risk of Delinquency

Cabinet Resolution No. (133) of 2023

Federal Decree-Law No. (53) of 2023 Amending Certain Provisions of Federal Decree-Law No. (30) of 2021 on Combating Drugs and Psychotropic Substances

Federal Decree-Law No. (53) of 2023

Federal Decree-Law No. (34) of 2023 Concerning Combating Discrimination, Hatred, and Extremism


Federal Decree-Law No. (39) of 2023 Concerning the Regulation of the Federal Genetic Fingerprints Database

A Database name “Federal Genetic Fingerprints Database” shall be established and the Minister shall issue the rules, conditions and procedures concerning the feeding process and usage of the Database.

Federal Law No. (5) of 2017 regarding the Use of Remote Communication Technology in Criminal Procedures

Federal Law No. (5) of 2017

Federal Law No. (6) of 2022 Concerning Juvenile Delinquents and Those at Risk of Delinquency

Juvenile delinquents and those at risk of delinquency shall be subject to the measures and provisions stipulated in this Law.

Federal Law No. (5) of 2022 Regarding the Exoneration

This Law shall be published in the Official Gazette, and to come into force after (3) months of the publication date

Federal Decree-Law No. (53) of 2022 Regarding the Amendment of Some provisions of Federal Decree-Law No. (30) of 2021 Concerning the Control of Narcotic Substances and Psychotropic Substances

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Federal Decree-Law No. (38) of 2022 regarding the issuance of the Code of Criminal Procedures

Federal Decree-Law No. (38) of 2022

Federal Decree-Law No. (38) of 2022 promulgating the Code of Criminal Procedure

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Minister of Justice Resolution No. (642) of 2022 Authorizing the Judicial Seizure to Certain Employees of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization

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Minister of Justice Resolution (641) of 2022 Authorizing the Judicial Seizure to Certain Employees of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization

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Federal Decree-Law No. (7) of 2022 Amending the Federal Decree No. (15) of 2009 on Tobacco Control


Minister of Justice Resolution No. (627) of 2022 Authorizing the Judicial Seizure to Certain Employees of General Pension and Social Security Authority

under translation

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (556) of 2022 Replacing First Lieutenant / Ayed Saeed Al Ameri in the place of Major / Saeed Khalfan Al Kaabi in the membership of the Indictable offence Committee issued by Resolution No. (399) of 2022


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (519) of 2022 Authorizing the judicial seizure of some employees of the Emirates Post Group


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (432) of 2022 Authorizing the judicial seizure of some employees of the Department of Town Planning and Survey affiliated to the Department of Human Resources in the Government of Sharjah


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (431) of 2022 Authorizing the judicial seizure of some employees of Al Sharjah Petroleum Council affiliated to the Human Resources Department


Ministry of Economy Circular No. (4) of 2022 Regarding the Explanatory Memorandum on Assessing the risks of jurisdiction and the subsequent implementation of the obligations to Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in light of the presence of the UAE among the countries subject to tight control by the Financial Action Task Force


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (311) of 2022 Authorizing the judicial seizure of some Employees of the Khorfakkan Municipality, affiliated to the Human Resources Department of the Government of Sharjah

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Head of the Judicial Department Decision No. 19 of 2022 Authorizing the Judicial Seizure for some Inspectors of the Department of Economic Development

Head of the Judicial Department Decision No. 19 of 2022 Authorizing the Judicial Seizure for some Inspectors of the Department of Economic Development

Director General of Dubai Municipality Decision No. (101) of 2022 regarding granting the judicial seizure to some employees of Food Safety Department in Dubai Municipality

Director General of Dubai Municipality Decision No. (101) of 2022 regarding granting the judicial seizure to some employees of Food Safety Department in Dubai Municipality

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (237) of 2022 Regarding the Authorize the Judicial Seizure to some Employees of Saaed Traffic Safety Services Organization

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Head of the Judicial Department Decision No. (20) of 2022 to renew the capacity of judicial seizure of some inspectors of the Department of Culture and Tourism

Head of the Judicial Department Decision No. (20) of 2022 to renew the capacity of judicial seizure of some inspectors of the Department of Culture and Tourism

Head of the Judicial Department Decision No. (16) of 2022 regarding Authorizing the Judicial Seizure to some Inspectors of Abu Dhabi City Municipality

Head of the Judicial Department Decision No. (16) of 2022 regarding Authorizing the Judicial Seizure to some Inspectors of Abu Dhabi City Municipality

Head of the Judicial Department Decision No. (17) of 2022 regarding the Renewal of Authorizing the Capacity of the Judicial Seizure for some Employees of the Department of Energy

Head of the Judicial Department Decision No. (17) of 2022 regarding the Renewal of Authorizing the Capacity of the Judicial Seizure for some Employees of the Department of Energy

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (227) of 2022 Regarding the Authorize the judicial seizure to some Employees of Saaed Traffic Safety Services Organization

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Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (228) of 2022 Authorizing the Judicial Seizure to some Employees of the Environment Department in Dubai Municipality

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Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (230) of 2022 Regarding the Authorize the Judicial Seizure to some Employees of the Ministry of Economy

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Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (225) of 2022 Authorizing the judicial seizure to some employees of the Federal Tax Authority

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Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (224) of 2022 Authorizing the judicial seizure to some employees of the Roads and Transport Authority of the Department of Human Resources in the Government of Sharjah

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Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (226) of 2022 Canceling the authorization of judicial seizure in the Federal Tax Authority previously granted pursuant to Resolution No. (2043) of 2017

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Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (137) of 2021 authorizing some human resources employees in the Government of Sharjah (Al Dhaid Municipality - Al Hamriya Municipality) as judicial control officers

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (137) of 2021

Cabinet Resolution No. (24) of 2022 Amending the Cabinet Resolution No. (10) of 2019 Regarding the Executive Regulations of Federal Decree-Law No. (20) of 2018 Against Money Laundering Crimes and Combating the Financing of Terrorism and the Financing of Illegal Organizations

under translation

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (182) of 2022 Authorizing the judicial seizure to some employees of the Ministry of Health and Prevention


Director General of Dubai Municipality Decision No. (54) of 2022 regarding authorizing the judicial seizure to Waste Management Employee in the Infrastructure Services Sector in Dubai Municipality

Director General of Dubai Municipality Decision No. (54) of 2022 regarding authorizing the judicial seizure to Waste Management Employee in the Infrastructure Services Sector in Dubai Municipality

Roads and Transport Authority Decision No. (63) of 2022 regarding Authorizing the Judicial Seizure to Employees of the Contracted Company (Keolis MHI)

Roads and Transport Authority Decision No. (63) of 2022 regarding Authorizing the Judicial Seizure to Employees of the Contracted Company (Keolis MHI)

Cabinet Resolution No. (64) of 2019 Regarding the Effectiveness Date of the Provisions of Federal Decree No. (4) of 2019 Regarding the Amendment of Some Provisions of the Penal Code


Minister of Justice Resolution No. (854) of 2021 to authorize some employees of the Department of Human Resources (Department of Economic Development in the Government of Sharjah) as judicial control officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (854) of 2021 to authorize some employees of the Department of Human Resources (Department of Economic Development in the Government of Sharjah) as judicial control officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (823) of 2021 to authorize some employees of the Social Services Department of the Human Resources Department in the Government of Sharjah as judicial control officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (823) of 2021 to authorize some employees of the Social Services Department of the Human Resources Department in the Government of Sharjah as judicial control officers

Federal Decree-Law No. (34) of 2021 on Combating Rumors and Cybercrime

Any person who hacks a website, electronic information system, information network or information technology means shall be penalized by an imprisonment term of no less than (100,000) one hundred thousand dirhams and not exceeding (300,000) three hundred thousand dirhams, or to one of these two penalties.

Federal Decree-Law No. (31) of 2021 Promulgating Crimes and Penalties Law

The accompanying Law regarding Crimes and Penalties shall be enforced.

Federal Decree-Law No. (30) of 2021 Regarding the combating Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances

The Ministry of Health and Prevention shall establish specialized units for treatment and rehabilitation of addiction patients addicted to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

Federal Decree-Law No. (26) of 2021 Amending some provisions of Federal Decree-Law No. (20) of 2018 Regarding Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism by Illegal Organizations

Federal Decree-Law No. (26) of 2021

Federal Decree-Law No. (26) of 2021 amending Federal Decree-Law No. (20) of 2018 regarding countering money laundering crimes and combating the financing of terrorism and the financing of illegal organizations

Federal Decree-Law No. (26) of 2021 amending Federal Decree-Law No. (20) of 2018 regarding countering money laundering crimes and combating the financing of terrorism and the financing of illegal organizations

Federal Decree-Law No. (24) of 2021 Regarding the Accountability of Ministers and Senior Officials of the Federation

This Decree-Law shall be published in the Official Gazette, and shall come into force on the date following its date of publication.

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (398) of 2021 regarding the authorization of some employees of the Securities and Commodities Authority as judicial control officers

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (398) of 2021 regarding the authorization of some employees of the Securities and Commodities Authority as judicial control officers

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (280) of 2021 entrusting some employees of the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure with the capacity of judicial control officers

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (280) of 2021

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (169) of 2021 Authorize some employees of the Follow-up and Control Center of the Supreme Council for National Security as judicial control officers

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (169) of 2021

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (154) of 2021 authorizing some employees of Saed Traffic Systems Company as judicial control officers

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (154) of 2021

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (157) of 2021 Entrusting Certian Employees of the Follow-up and Control Center of the Supreme Council for National Security the Capacity of Judicial Control Officers


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (150) of 2021 authorizing some employees of Saed Traffic Systems Company as judicial control officers

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (150) of 2021

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (147) of 2021 authorizing some employees of the Environment and Natural Reserves Authority in the Government of Sharjah as judicial control officers

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (147) of 2021

Ministry of Economy Circular No. (6) of 2021 regarding the identification of high-risk countries and countries that are subject to strict monitoring and the identification of countermeasures that must be applied by businesses and designated non-financial professions

Ministry of Economy Circular No. (6) of 2021 regarding the identification of high-risk countries and countries that are subject to strict monitoring and the identification of countermeasures that must be applied by businesses and designated non-financial professions

Decision of the National Committee for Combating Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism and the Financing of Illicit Organizations No. 1/ (2/ 2021) of 2021 regarding the modernization of high-risk countries and countries that are subject to strict monitoring and the identification of counter-measures that must be applied by financial institutions and designated non-financial businesses and professions (DNFBP)

Decision of the National Committee for Combating Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism and the Financing of Illicit Organizations No. 1/ (2/ 2021) of 2021 regarding the modernization of high-risk countries and countries that are subject to strict monitoring and the identification of counter-measures that must be applied by financial institutions and designated non-financial businesses and professions (DNFBP)

Ministry of Economy Circular No. (5) of 2021 Regarding the Registration Requirements in the GOAML System


Ministry of Economy Circular No. (2) of 2021 regarding compliance with the requirements of anti-money laundering and combating terrorist financing legislation and related decisions

Ministry of Economy Circular No. (2) of 2021 regarding compliance with the requirements of anti-money laundering and combating terrorist financing legislation and related decisions

Ministry of Economy Circular No. (1) of 2021 regarding compliance with the requirements of anti-money laundering and combating terrorist financing legislation and related decisions

Ministry of Economy Circular No. (1) of 2021 regarding compliance with the requirements of anti-money laundering and combating terrorist financing legislation and related decisions

Ministry of Economy Circular No. (4) of 2021 regarding compliance with the requirements of anti-money laundering and combating terrorist financing legislation and related decisions

Ministry of Economy Circular No. (4) of 2021 regarding compliance with the requirements of anti-money laundering and combating terrorist financing legislation and related decisions

Ministry of Economy Circular No. (3) of 2021 regarding compliance with the requirements of anti-money laundering and combating terrorist financing legislation and related decisions

Ministry of Economy Circular No. (3) of 2021 regarding compliance with the requirements of anti-money laundering and combating terrorist financing legislation and related decisions

Cabinet Resolution No. (16) of 2021 regarding the unified list of violations and administrative fines imposed on violators of measures to combat money laundering and combating terrorist financing who are subject to the supervision of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Economy

Cabinet Resolution No. (16) of 2021

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (32) of 2021 Regulating the Procedures for Obtaining the Registration of a Child Born to Foreign Parents Residing in the Country


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (7) of 2021 Regarding the Authorization of the Employees of the Federal Authority for Taxes the Status of the Judicial Control Officers


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (10) of 2021 Regarding the Authorization of Some Staff of the Human Resources Department Employee (Sharjah Government - Roads and Transport Authority) the Status of Judicial Control Officers


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (9) of 2021 Resolution the Authorization of certian of the Employees of the Human Resources Department of Sharjah Government Khorfakkan Municipality of Judicial Officer


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (8) of 2021 Regarding the Authorization of Some of the Staff of the Human Resources Department of Sharjah Government Munam Municipality of the Status of Judicial Control Officer

under translation

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (727) of 2020 Regarding the Authorization of some Employees of Federal Courts of the Judicial Control Officers


Ministry of Interior Resolution No. (426) of 2020 Regarding the Implementation Mechanisms of Electronic Surveillance and Electronic Policing


Federal Law No. (14) of 2020 regarding the protection of witnesses and the like

Federal Law No. (14) of 2020 regarding the protection of witnesses and the like

Federal Law No. (12) of 2020 establishing the International Center for Excellence in Combating Extremism and Violent Extremism

Federal Law No. (12) of 2020 establishing the International Center for Excellence in Combating Extremism and Violent Extremism

Federal Law No. (14) of 2020 Concerning the protection of witnesses and persons of similar status

This law shall be published in the official gazette and shall be enforced after ninety days from the date of publication of such.

Federal Decree-Law No. (15) of 2020 Amending Some Provisions of the Penal Code Promulgated by the Federal Law No. (3) of 1987

Provisions of Articles (1), (26), (28), (66), (92), (121), (313) bis, (323), (335), (354), (356), (358), (359), (360), (361), (362) and (382) of the referenced Penal Code promulgated by the Federal Law No. (3) of 1987 shall be replaced by the following provisions:

Federal Decree-Law No. (28) of 2020 amending the Criminal Procedures Law issued by Federal Law No. (35) of 1992 and amending Federal Law No. (3) of 1996 regarding the jurisdiction of Sharia courts to consider some crimes

Federal Decree-Law No. (28) of 2020 amending the Criminal Procedures Law issued by Federal Law No. (35) of 1992 and amending Federal Law No. (3) of 1996 regarding the jurisdiction of Sharia courts to consider some crimes

Ministry of Finance Resolution No. (110) of 2020 Regarding the Regulatory Regulations for the Work of the National Committee for Combating Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism and the Financing of Illegal Organizations


Roads and Transport Authority Resolution No. (517) of 2020 granting some employees of the Public Transport Agency at the Roads and Transport Authority the status of a judicial officer

Roads and Transport Authority Resolution No. (517) of 2020 granting some employees of the Public Transport Agency at the Roads and Transport Authority the status of a judicial officer

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (334) of 2020 Authorizing Some Employees of the Ministry of Community Development, the Community Development Authority and the Dubai Foundation for Women and Children Welfare as a Law Enforcement Officers


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (333) of 2020 Authorizing Some Employees of the Ministry of Education the Status of Judicial Control Officers


Ministry of Economy Circular issued on 19/3/2020 regarding establishments that carry out their activities in the state, including commercial free zones for specific non-financial occupations and professions

Ministry of Economy Circular issued on 19/3/2020 regarding establishments that carry out their activities in the state, including commercial free zones for specific non-financial occupations and professions

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (272) of 2020 Authorizing Some Employees of the Environmental Protection and Development Authority (Ras Al-Khaimah) the Capacity of Judicial Officers


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (227) of 2020 Authorizing some of the Saff of the Telecommunications Regulatory the capacity of judicial officers

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Cabinet Resolution No. (11) of 2020 Regarding the Executive Regulations of Federal Law No. (19) of 2016 Regarding Combating Commercial Fraud


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (32) of 2020 Authorizing Some Employees of the Roads and Transport Authority of the Human Resources Department in the Government of Sharjah the Capacity of Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (31) of 2020 Authorizing Some Employees of Saed Traffic Systems Company the Capacity of Judicial Control Officers


Cabinet Resolution No. (65) of 2019 regarding the date of implementation of the provisions of Federal Decree Law No. (10) of 2019 on combating family violence

Cabinet Resolution No. (65) of 2019 regarding the date of implementation of the provisions of Federal Decree Law No. (10) of 2019 on combating family violence

Cabinet Resolution No. (64) of 2019 Regarding the Effective Date of the Provisions of Federal Decree-Law No. (4) of 2019 Regarding the Amendment of Some Provisions of the Penal Code


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (535) of 2019 concerning the procedures for requesting those included in the local terrorism lists to use part of the frozen funds

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Federal Decree-Law No. (10) of 2019 regarding protection from domestic violence

Federal Decree-Law No. (10) of 2019

Federal Decree-Law No. (1) of 2019 Regarding the Determination of the Blood Money of a Deceased Person by Mistake


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (580) of 2019 Authorizing Certian of the Employees of the Tourism Development Department - Ajman Government as the Status of Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (559) of 2019 Authorizing Certain Employees of Saad Traffic Systems Company the Status of Judicial Control Officers

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Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (532) of 2019 Establishing the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Section


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (536) of 2019 Regarding the Grievance Mechanism Against Resolutions issued for Inclusion in Local Terrorist Lists


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (533) of 2019 Regarding Procedures to Counter Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing for Lawyers, Notaries and Independent Legal Professionals


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (547) of 2019 Authorizing Certain Employees of the Social Services Department of the Human Resources Department in the Government of Sharjah to Qualify Judicial Officers


Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Securities and Commodities Authority Decision No. (21 / RM) of 2019 Regarding the Procedures to Confront Money Laundering Crimes and Combat the Financing of Terrorism and Illegal Organizations


Minister of Justice Resolution No. (287) of 2019 Authorizing Some Employees of the Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority as the Judicial Control Officers


Cabinet Resolution No. (10) of 2019 Regarding the Executive Regulation of the Federal Decree-Law No. (20) of 2018 Regarding the Crimes of Money Laundering, Combating the Financing of Terrorism and Financing of Illegal Organizations


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (27) of 2019 Concerning the Authorization of Certain Employees of the Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority the authority of law enforcement

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (27) of 2019 Concerning the Authorization of Certain Employees of the Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority the authority of law enforcement

Federal Law No. (9) of 2018 Regarding the Combat Against Beggary


Cabinet Resolution No. (50) of 2018 Regarding the Credence of the List of Terrorist Persons


Federal Decree-Law No. (2) of 2018 on Amending Some Provisions of Decree-Federal Law No. (5) of 2012 on Combating Cyber Crimes

The texts of the articles (26), (28) and (42) of Federal Decree-Law No. (5) of 2012 Combating Cyber Crimes shall be replaced by the following texts

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (116) of 2018 Granting Certain Employees of the Federal Tax Authority the Status of Judicial Control Officers


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (2043) of 2017 Granting the Director General of the Federal Tax Authority and the Head of Services of the Government Sector and Major Companies the Judicial Control Status


Cabinet Resolution No. (41) of 2017 Regarding the Definition of Community Service Activities


Federal Decree-Law No. (12) of 2017 Regarding the International Crimes


Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (220) of 2017 Regarding the Establishment of the Prosecution of Information Technology Crimes


Securities and Commodities Authority Decision No. (2 - T.M) of 2017 Regarding the Amendment of the Board of Directors Decision No. (17- T) of 2010 Regarding the Procedures to Counter Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism


Federal Law No. (19) of 2016 for combating commercial fraud

Federal Law No. (19) of 2016

Federal Law No. 19 of 2016 on the suppression of fraud in commercial transactions


Cabinet Resolution No. (31) of 2016 Regarding the formation of the National Committee for Combatting Human Trafficking


Decree Law according to the latest amendment Federal Decree Law No. 2 of 2015 On Combating Discrimination and Hatred

No words or action which may incite to commit the crime of blasphemy or defamation of religions contrary to the provisions of the present Decree Law may be debated on the right of freedom and expression.

The Council of Ministers’ Resolution No (38) of the Year 2014 Regarding the Executive Regulation of the Federal Law No (4) of the Year 2002 for Countering Money-Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism

Federal Law No. (1) of Year 1972 Concerning the Competences of Ministries and the Powers of Ministers, and the Laws Amending it, and

Cabinet Resolution No. (41) of 2014 approving the list of terrorist organizations

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Federal Law No. (7) of 2014 Concerning Combating Terrorist Crimes

The rules of applicability of the law in terms of time, place and persons included in the Penal Code shall be applied in matters not specifically provided for in this chapter.

Federal Law No. (7) of 2013 concerning the establishment of the International Center of Excellence in Countering Violent Extremism

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Ministry of Interior Decision No. (147) of 2013 regarding the rules and procedures for police surveillance

Ministry of Interior Decision No. (147) of 2013 regarding the rules and procedures for police surveillance

Federal Decree- Law No. (5) of the year 2012 On combating information technology crimes

The following words and phrases shall have the meanings specified before each unless context states otherwise

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (110) of 2011 authorizing certain of facilities protection corporation employees the Status of Judicial Control Officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (110) of 2011

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (111) of 2011 Regarding authorization of Certain Civil Employees of Institutions and Facilities Protection Corporation and Vital Utilities the Status of Judicial Control Officers


Minister of Justice Resolution No. (112) of 2011 Authorizing Certain Employees of Abu Dhabi Municipality the Status of Judicial Control Officers


Minister of Justice Resolution No. (113) of 2011 authorizing Certain employees of Abu Dhabi municipality, title of judicial control officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (113) of 2011

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (114) of 2011 Regrading Authorization Certain Employees of Abu Dhabi Wastewater Services Company the Status of Judicial Control Officers


Minister of Justice Resolution No. (115) of 2011 Regarding Authorization of Certain Civil Employees of Abu Dhabi Sewage Company the Status of Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (117) of 2011 Regarding the Authorization of Certain Civil Employees Municipality of Abu Dhabi the Status of Judicial Control Officers


Ministerial Resolution No. (30) of 2011 regarding authorization of some civil employees of Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority the title of judicial officers the

Ministerial Resolution No. (30) of 2011 regarding the authorization of some civil employees of Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority the title of judicial officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (84) of 2011 certain civil employees in the Development Department the Status of Judicial Control Officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (84) of 2011

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (83) of 2011 Regarding Authorization Certain Employees of Critical Utilities and Facilities Protection the Status of Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (82) of 2011 regarding authorization of certain civil employees of Critical Utilities and Facilities Protection Authority the Status of Judicial Control Officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (82) of 2011

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (81) of 2011 Regarding Authorization of Certain Civil employees of Municipal of Abu Dhabi the Status of Judicial Control Officers

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Minister of Justice Resolution No. (80) of 2011 regarding authorization of certain civil employees of Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority the Status of Judicial Control Officers

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Minister of Justice Resolution No. (83) of 2011 Regarding Authorization Certain Employees of Critical Utilities and Facilities Protection the Status of Judicial Control Officers

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Minister of Justice Resolution No. (82) of 2011 regarding authorization of certain civil employees of Critical Utilities and Facilities Protection Authority the Status of Judicial Control Officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (82) of 2011

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (85) of 2011 certain civil employees in the Development Department the Status of Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (85) of 2011 certain civil employees in the Development Department the Status of Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (1197) of 2010 Regarding Authorization of Certain Health Commission Employees in Dubai the Status of Judicial Control Officers


Minister of Justice Resolution No. (1193) of 2010 Regarding Assigning certain employees working at Institution of control of Vital Utilities and Facilities the Status of Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (1152) of 2010 Regrading the Authorization of Certain Civil Employees of Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority the Status of Judicial Control Officers


Minister of Justice Resolution No. (1151) of 2010 Authorizing of Certain Civil Employees in Vital Facilities and Facilities Are the Status of Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (1090) of 2010 Regarding Authorization of Certain Municipality Civil Employees of Abu Dhabi the Title of Judicial Officers


Minister of Justice Resolution No. (1089) of 2010 regarding the authorization of Certain civil employees of Municipality of Abu Dhabi the Status of Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (1024) of 2010 regarding authorization of certain civil employees of Saeed Company for Traffic regulations the Status of Judicial Control Officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (1024) of 2010

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (1020) of 2010 regarding authorization of certain civil employees in Abu Dhabi Municipality the Status of Judicial Control Officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (1020) of 2010

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (1019) of 2010 regarding authorization of certain civil employees in Abu Dhabi Municipality the Status of Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (1018) of 2010 certain civil employees of Department of Development the Status of Judicial Control Officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (1018) of 2010

Law No. (11) of 2010 regarding the licensing of marine means of transport in the Emirate of Dubai


Minister of Justice Resolution No. (312) of 2010 regarding authorization certain of Abu Dhabi Municipal employees to work as Judicial Control Officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (312) of 2010

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (311) of 2010 regarding authorization certain of Abu Dhabi Municipal employees to work as Judicial Control Officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (311) of 2010

Ministerial Resolution No. (200) of 2010 for forming the Competent Appeal Court to review the requests of delivering persons to Foreign Countries

Ministerial Resolution No. (200) of 2010 for forming the Competent Appeal Court to review the requests of delivering persons to Foreign Countries

Cabinet Resolution No. (39) of 2009 amending certain tables attached to the Federal Law No. (14) of 1995 fighting the Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances

Cabinet Resolution No. (39) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (519) of 2009 Empowering the Capacity of Judicial Officer to certain Staff of the Municipality of Abu Dhabi

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (519) of 2009

Ministerial Resolution No. (496) of 2009 on Starting an Anti-Narcotics Liaison Office in Karachi, Pakistan

Ministerial Resolution No. (496) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (521) of 2009 Empowering the Capacity of Judicial Officer to certain Staff of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (521) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (520) of 2009 Empowering the Capacity of Judicial Officer to certain Staff of the Municipality of Abu Dhabi

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (520) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (518) of 2009 Empowering the Capacity of Judicial Officer to certain Staff of the Health Authority of Abu Dhabi

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (518) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (517) of 2009 Empowering the Capacity of Judicial Officer to certain Staff of the Health Authority of Abu Dhabi

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (517) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (442) of 2009 Authorizing Certain Employees of the Emirates Identity Authority the Status of Judicial Control Officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (442) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (435) of 2009 Regarding the Authorizee the Capacity of Judicial Officer to certain Staff of the Ministry of Economy

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (435) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (335) of 2009 Eye Impression, Ten Fingerprints and Face Impression

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (335) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (344) of 2009 Giving Title of Judicial Control Officers to Selected Guardsmen of Institutions and Vital Facilities

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (344) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (342) of 2009 Giving Title of Judicial Control Officers to Selected Guardsmen of Institutions and Vital Facilities

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (342) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (343) of 2009 Giving Title of Judicial Control Officers to Selected Guardsmen of Institutions and Vital Facilities

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (343) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (346) of 2009 authorizing Title of Judicial Control Officers to selected Staff at Ajman Union Authority of Environment and the Municipality and Planning Authority and the Authority of Environment Protectorate and Development in Ras Al-Khaimah and Municipalities of Northern Emirates

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (346) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (345) of 2009 Giving Title of Judicial Control Officers to selected Staff of the Corporation of Commercial and Tourist Development Authority in Al-Sharjah

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (345) of 2009

Cabinet Resolution No. (11) of 2009 Amending the Cabinet Resolution No. (15) of 2007 regarding Formation of the National Committee for Combating Human Trafficking Crimes

Cabinet Resolution No. (11) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (112) of 2009 Regarding Authorization Certain Employees of the Ministry of Health in the Emirate of Dubai and Northern Emirates the Status of Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (79) of 2009 regarding authorizing certain employees of Ras Al Khaimah Department of Economic Development the Status of Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (78) of 2009 regarding authorizing certain employees of Sharjah Public Transport Corporation the Status of Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (77) of 2009 regarding authorizing certain employees of Municipality of Al-Bataeh in Sharjah the Status of Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (76) of 2009 regarding authorizing some employees of the Critical Infrastructure and Facilities Protection Authority the Status of Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (75) of 2009 regarding authorizing certain employees of the Critical Infrastructure and Facilities Protection Authority the Status of Judicial Control Officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (75) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (73) of 2009 Regarding Authorizing certain employees of the Critical Infrastructure and Facilities Protection Authority the power of the Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (72) of 2009 regarding authorizing certain employees of the Critical Infrastructure and Facilities Protection Authority the power of the Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (70) of 2009 regarding authorizing certain employees of the Critical Infrastructure and Facilities Protection Authority the Status of Judicial Control Officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (70) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (71) of 2009 regarding authorizing certain employees of the Critical Infrastructure and Facilities Protection Authority the power of the Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (69) of 2009 regarding authorizing certain employees of the Federal Environment Agency and employees of the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi the power of the Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (68) of 2009 Regarding Authorizing Certain Employees of Dubai Customs and Ports Department the Status of Judicial Control Officers

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (68) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (67) of 2009 regarding authorizing certain employees of Abu Dhabi Retirement Pension and Benefits Fund the power of the Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (66) of 2009 regarding authorizing certain employees of Ministry of Health the Status of Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (224) of 2009 Authorizing the title of Judicial Control Officers to Selected Personnel at the Taxi Services Regulative Center

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (224) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (224) of 2009 Authorizing the title of Judicial Control Officers to Selected Personnel at the Taxi Services Regulative Center

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (224) of 2009

Resolution No. (580) of 2007 regarding the authorization of certain employees of the Environmental Protection Agency - Abu Dhabi as judicial control officers

Resolution No. (580) of 2007

minister of economy Resolution no. (358) of 2007 an amending ministerial Resolution no. (24) of 2002 on the identification of the names of the officials responsible for monitoring the implementation of the provisions of the regulation law and regulating the procedures for controlling violations of its provisions

Minister of economy Resolution no. (358) of 2007

Resolution No. (364) of 2007 forming a delegation to participate in the second round of talks between the State and the People's Republic of China on the draft Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters

Resolution No. (364) of 2007

Resolution No. (290) of 2007 Authorizing of certain employees of the Ministry of Post Emirates as judicial control officers

Resolution No. (290) of 2007

Resolution No. (289) of 2007 Authorizing of certain employees of the Ministry of Economy as a traitor judicial control

Resolution No. (289) of 2007

The Resolution according to the latest amendments - in accordance to ministerial Resolution No. (15) of 2007 forming National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking Crimes

The Resolution according to the latest amendments - in accordance to ministerial Resolution No. (15) of 2007 forming National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking Crimes

Cabinet Resolution No. (15) of 2007 forming the National Committee for fighting human trafficking crimes

Cabinet Resolution No. (15) of 2007

Cabinet Resolution No. (15) of 2007 regarding formation of National Committee to Combat Trafficking in Persons

Cabinet Resolution No. (15) of 2007

Ministerial Resolution No. (255) of 2007 Forming a delegation to study and discuss a draft federal law on the crimes of borders and Qassas and Diya

Ministerial Resolution No. (255) of 2007

Ministerial Resolution No. (259) of 2007 forming a delegation to sign the Extradition Agreements and Legal and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters between the State and the Republic of France

Ministerial Resolution No. (259) of 2007

Ministerial Resolution No. (244) of 2007 forming a delegation to participate sixteenth session of the Commission on Crime and Justice

Ministerial Resolution No. (244) of 2007

Ministerial Resolution No. (230) of 2007 on the authorization some staff of Department of Economic Development in Ras Al Khaimah title of judicial controllers

Ministerial Resolution No. (230) of 2007

Resolution No. (160) of 2007 to form a delegation to participate in the Fifth Global Forum on Combating Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity

Resolution No. (160) of 2007

Ministerial Resolution No. (158) of 2007 on the authorization of certain employees of the Securities and Commodities Authority as judicial control officers

Ministerial Resolution No. (158) of 2007

Resolution No. (136) of 2007 to form a delegation to participate in a workshop on combating human trafficking (strengthening international partnership and cooperation

Resolution No. (136) of 2007

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (74) of 2009 regarding authorizing certain employees of the Critical Infrastructure and Facilities Protection Authority the Status of Judicial Control Officers

under translation

Federal Law No. (51) of 2006 Combating Crimes of Human Trafficking

Crimes stated in the present law shall be punished by penalties stipulated therein, without prejudice to any severer penalty stipulated in another law.

Federal Law No. (39) For the Year 2006 on the International Judicial Cooperation in the Criminal Issues

After reviewing the Constitution and the Federal Law No. (1) For the year 1972 on competencies of ministries and...

Federal Law No. (35) For the Year 2006 on Amending some of the Provisions of the Penal Procedures Law

After reviewing the provisional constitution and Federal Law No. (1) For the year 1972 AD. on competencies of...

Federal Law No. (52) For the Year 2006 on Amending Some of the Provision of the Penal Code

After reviewing the provisional constitution and Federal Law No. (1) For the year 1972 AD. on competencies of ministries and...

Ministerial Resolution No. (183) of 2006 foundation the delegation to participate in meeting of the Experts specialist in discuss the project of unified law of Anti electronic Crime

Ministerial Resolution No. (183) of 2006

Resolution No. (134) of 2006 foundation the delegation to participate in fifty-tens expert committee meeting assigned to discuss the unified Act of anti-human trafficking

Resolution No. (134) of 2006

Resolution No. (131) of 2006 foundation the delegation to participate in scientific forum of international

Resolution No. (131) of 2006

Federal Law No. (2) For the Year 2006 on the Prevention of Information Technology Crimes

After reviewing the Constitution, and Federal Law No. (1) Of 1972 regarding the competences of Ministries and...

Federal Law No (34) for the year 2005 Amending some provisions of the Penal Code

After reviewing the constitution and the federal law No1 for the year 1972 on competencies of the ministries and powers of the ministers and the laws

Federal Law No. (29) For the Year 2005 on Amending some of the Provisions of Penal Procedures Law

After reviewing the provisional constitution and Federal Law No. (1) For the year 1972 AD. on competencies of...

Resolution No. (477) of 2005 regarding the reformation of a committee to study the status of the kids of the females in the penal and the reformation establishments

Resolution No. (477) of 2005

Federal Law No. (1) For the Year 2005 on Amending some of the Provision of the Federal Law No. (14) For the Year 1995

After reviewing the provisional constitution and Federal Law No. (1) For the year 1972 AD. on competencies of ministries and...

Resolution No. (35) of 2004 regarding the establishment of the National Committee for Combating Terrorism

Resolution No. (35) of 2004

Federal Law No. (17) For the Year 2004 concerning Combating the Commercial Concealment

After reviewing the Constitution and the Federal Law No. (1) For the year 1972 AD on competencies of...

Federal Decree Law No. (1) For the Year 2004 on Terrorist Crimes Combat

After reviewing the Constitution and the Federal Law No. (1) For the year 1972 on competencies of ministries and...

Resolution No. (311) of 2004 delegating advisors to participate in the delegation of the National Anti Money Laundering and Combatting Financing of Terrorism and Financing of Illegal Organizations Committee (NAMLCFTC)

Resolution No. (311) of 2004

Resolution No. (304) of 2004 forming the delegation to participate in the regional conference of heads of higher courts in the Arab world

Resolution No. (304) of 2004

Resolution No. (303) of 2004 forming the delegation to participate in the meeting of the Working Group

Resolution No. (303) of 2004

Federal Law No. (9) For the Year 2003 on Amending the Amount of the Legitimate Wergild of the Dead Wrong of Persons

After reviewing the constitution, federal law No. (1) For the year 1972 on the competences of the ministries and...

Ministerial Resolution No. (257) of 2003 for granting investigation allowance for the force members assigned to perform investigation and collection of evidence related to the crimes

Ministerial Resolution No. (257) of 2003 for granting investigation allowance for the force members assigned to perform investigation and collection of evidence related to the crimes

Ministerial Resolution No. (17) of 2003 about establish of Sharia departments for consideration for the crimes and offences of the juveniles at the level of the state

Ministerial Resolution No. (17) of 2003 about establish of Sharia departments for consideration for the crimes and offences of the juveniles at the level of the state

Ministerial Resolution No. (16) of 2003 about the establish a juvenile prosecution general office

Ministerial Resolution No. (16) of 2003 about the establish a juvenile prosecution general office

Resolution No. (778) of 2002 regarding the authorization of certain employees of the Ministry of Agriculture as a Judicial supervisor control - Repealed pursuant to the provision of Article (2) of Resolution No. (245) of 2003 regarding the authorization of certain employees of the Ministry of Agriculture as judicial supervisor

Resolution No. (778) of 2002

Federal Law No. (4) of 2002 regarding criminalization of Money Laundering (Judicial Provisions issued according to it)

Federal Law No. (4) of 2002

Federal Law No. (4) For the Year 2002 concerning the Criminalization of Money Laundry

After reviewing the Constitution and the Federal Law No. (1) For the year 1972 on competencies of ministries and...

Generalization for all the Insurance Companies in the Country on the Procedures of Money Laundry Combat

Money laundry is any work that includes transferring, changing or depositing money or hiding and...

Ministerial Resolution No. (120) of 2000 regarding the Standard Arab Model Law on the Regulation of Prisons

Ministerial Resolution No. (120) of 2000 regarding the Standard Arab Model Law on the Regulation of Prisons

Federal Law No. (14) For the Year 1995 on Combating Narcotics and Mental Intoxicants

After reviewing the provisional constitution and Federal Law No. (1) For the year 1972 AD. on competencies of...

Federal Law No. (14) of 1995 Regarding Anti-Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances (As Amended) – Repealed Pursuant to the Provision of Article (99) of federal Decree Law No. (30) of 2021 Regarding Anti-Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances

under translation

Ministerial Resolution No. (471) of 1995 to issue the executive regulation of the federal law No. (43) of 1992 regarding organization of penal facilities

Ministerial Resolution No. (471) of 1995 to issue the executive regulation of the federal law No. (43) of 1992 regarding organization of penal facilities

Ministerial Resolution No. (222) of 1993 regarding creation of Department of Drug Control at the General Directorate of Border and Coast Guard

Ministerial Resolution No. (222) of 1993

Federal Law No. (43) of 1992 regarding the organization of penal institutions

After reviewing the provisional constitution and Federal Law No. (1) of 1972 . on competencies of...

Federal Law No. (35) For the Year 1992 concerning Law of Penal Procedures

After reviewing the provisional Constitution and the Federal Law No. (1) For the year 1972 AD. on competences of ministries and...

Federal Law No. (36) For the Year 1992 on Rehabilitation

After reviewing the provisional constitution, federal law No. (1) For the year 1972 on competences of...

The text after doing the latest amendment hereto Federal Law No. (17) of the year 1991 To determine the amount of blood money to a manslaughter diseased without malice

The amount of blood money to a manslaughter diseased without malice shall amount to (200.000), two hundred thousand Dirhams in all courts of the United Arab Emirates

Ministerial Resolution No. (26) of 1991 regarding crimes of drugs committed in Al Dhafra circuit

Ministerial Resolution No. (26) of 1991 regarding crimes of drugs committed in Al Dhafra circuit

Federal Decree No. (55) of 1990 Approving the Accession to the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances

Federal Decree No. (55) of 1990

Ministerial Resolution No. (46) of 1989 for identifying the name of the staff assigned to monitor implementation of the provisions of the Federation Law regarding organization of the Commercial Agencies and the amended laws beside organizing controls procedures to the violation of its provisions

Ministerial Resolution No. (46) of 1989

Ministerial Resolution No. (23) of 1989 regarding composing a committee for amending the Federation Law No. (9) of 1976 regarding delinquencies and displaced juveniles

Ministerial Resolution No. (23) of 1989

Federal Law No. (3) For the Year 1987 on Passing Penal Code

After reviewing the provisional constitution and Federal Law No. (1) For the year 1972 AD. on competencies of ministries and...

Ministerial Resolution No. (178) of 1987 regarding creation of departments at Drugs Control Administration

Ministerial Resolution No. (178) of 1987 regarding creation of departments at Drugs Control Administration

Ministerial Resolution No. (95) of 1987 regarding replacing the name of the “Branch of Investigation, Enforcement and Drug Control”

Ministerial Resolution No. (95) of 1987 regarding replacing the name of the “Branch of Investigation, Enforcement and Drug Control”

Ministerial Resolution No. (91) of 1987 regarding originating department and managements of drug control in the public administrations

Ministerial Resolution No. (91) of 1987 regarding originating department and managements of drug control in the public administrations

Ministerial Resolution No. (39) of 1986 regarding formation of a Criminal Chamber

Ministerial Resolution No. (39) of 1986 regarding formation of a Criminal Chamber

Federal Law No. (9) For the Year 1986 concerning Amendment some of the Provisions of the Federal Law No. (11) For the Year 1976

After reviewing the provisional constitution, and federal Law No. (1) For the year 1972 AD. on competencies of...

Federal Law No. (6) For the Year 1986 on Combating Narcotics and the Like

After reviewing the provisional constitution and Federal Law No. (1) For the year 1972 AD. on competencies of...

Ministerial Resolution No. (32) of 1979 regarding the review of the Penal Code and its procedures

Ministerial Resolution No. (32) of 1979 regarding the review of the Penal Code and its procedures

Federal Law No. (4) of 1979 regarding suppression of cheating and fraud in the commercial transactions (Judicial Provisions issued according to it) – Repealed pursuant to Article (24) of the Federal Law No. (19) of 2016 regarding fighting of commercial cheating

Federal Law No. (4) of 1979

Federal Law No. (19) For the Year 1978 on Some Provisions Regarding the Seizure Regulations

After reviewing the provisional constitution, federal law No. (1) for the year 1972 on competences of...

The Resolution According to the latest amendment - Ministerial Resolution No. (22) of 1977 regarding firearms Ammunition and explosives

The Resolution According to the latest amendment - Ministerial Resolution No. (22) of 1977 regarding firearms Ammunition and explosives

Federal Law No. (11) For the Year 1976 concerning Fire Weapons, Ammunitions and Explosives

After reviewing the provisional constitution, and federal Law No. (1) For the year 1972 AD. on competencies of...

Federal Law No. (9) For the Year 1976 on Perverse and Vagrant Juveniles

After reviewing the provisional constitution, and Law No. (1) for the year 1972 AD. on competencies of ministries and...

Ministerial Resolution No. (42) of 1975 regarding the power of investigation and accusation for the crimes happened in Abu Dhabi Emirate by Union Public Prosecution

Ministerial Resolution No. (42) of 1975 regarding the power of investigation and accusation for the crimes happened in Abu Dhabi Emirate by Union Public Prosecution

Minister of Justice decision No. . (83) For the year 2011 Critical Utilities and Facilities Protection Authority the title of judicial officers.

Minister of Justice decision No. . (83) For the year 2011 Critical Utilities and Facilities Protection Authority the title of judicial officers.

Ministerial Decree No. (1192) For the year 2010 Institution of control of Vital Utilities and Facilities as status of judicial officers.

Ministerial Decree No. (1192) For the year 2010 Institution of control of Vital Utilities and Facilities as status of judicial officers.

Ministerial Decree No. (1191) For the year 2010 Institution of control of Vital Utilities and Facilities the title of judicial officers.

Ministerial Decree No. (1191) For the year 2010 Institution of control of Vital Utilities and Facilities the title of judicial officers.

Ministerial Decree No. (1190) For the year 2010 Institution of control of Vital Utilities and Facilities the title of judicial officers.

Ministerial Decree No. (1190) For the year 2010 Institution of control of Vital Utilities and Facilities the title of judicial officers.

Minister of Environment and Water decision No. (746) For the year 2010 regarding ban lifting from all types importation of live birds and their products from the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Minister of Environment and Water decision No. (746) For the year 2010 regarding ban lifting from all types importation of live birds and their products from the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Law according to the latest amendment - Union Law No. 17 For the year 1991 for determining the amount of the Dia (Blood Money) for deceased by mistake.

Law according to the latest amendment - Union Law No. 17 For the year 1991 for determining the amount of the Dia (Blood Money) for deceased by mistake.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Securities and Commodities Authority Decision No. (17/R) of 2010 regarding the measurements to fight Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing – and its amendment

Repealed pursuant to the provision of the article (7) of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Securities and Commodities Authority Decision No. (2/R.M) of 2019 regarding the measurements to fight Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing and illegal organisations

Law according to the latest amendment –( and legal provisions ) Law No. (35) For the year 1992 issuing criminal procedures.

Law according to the latest amendment –( and legal provisions ) Law No. (35) For the year 1992 issuing criminal procedures.

Law according to the latest amendment and (provisions) – Law no (3) For the year 1987 issuing penal code

Law according to the latest amendment and (provisions) – Law no (3) For the year 1987 issuing penal code

Decision of the Ministry of Justice No. (577) For the year 2007 in the General Authority to authorize certain of the staff of the General Assembly, Pensions and social security are the status of judicial control officers, The decision of the Ministry of Justice No. (622) For the year 2015 regarding the abolition of the judicial seizure of certain employees, The General Authority of pension and Social Insurance.

Decision of the Ministry of Justice No. (577) For the year 2007 in the General Authority to authorize certain of the staff of the General Assembly, Pensions and social security are the status of judicial control officers, The decision of the Ministry of Justice No. (622) For the year 2015 regarding the abolition of the judicial seizure of certain employees, The General Authority of pension and Social Insurance.

Law No (52) For the year 2006 regarding Amend certain penalty code provision.

Law No (52) For the year 2006 regarding Amend certain penalty code provision.

Law No. ( 9) For the year 2003 regarding amend the lawful wergild (Dieya) of wrong death of people

Law No. ( 9) For the year 2003 regarding amend the lawful wergild (Dieya) of wrong death of people

Law No. (51) For the year 2006 Concerning Combating Crimes of Human Trafficking.

Law No. (51) For the year 2006 Concerning Combating Crimes of Human Trafficking.

Law No (1) For the year 2005 amendment of some law regulation regarding Anti Drugs and psychotropic substances.

Law No (1) For the year 2005 amendment of some law regulation regarding Anti Drugs and psychotropic substances.

Decree No. (187) For the year 2006 formation of the delegation to assign on judicial cooperation agreement of criminal and extradition ,civil, commercial and personal status affairs between State and Morocco.

Decree No. (187) For the year 2006 formation of the delegation to assign on judicial cooperation agreement of criminal and extradition ,civil, commercial and personal status affairs between State and Morocco.

Decree No. (99) For the year 2005 regarding the state joining agreement of prevent crime of Genocide and punishment.

Decree No. (99) For the year 2005 regarding the state joining agreement of prevent crime of Genocide and punishment.

Law No. (35) For the year 2006 regarding amendment of some Code of penal procedure regulation.

Law No. (35) For the year 2006 regarding amendment of some Code of penal procedure regulation.

Decree No. (8) for the year 2006 regarding the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

Decree No. (8) for the year 2006 regarding the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

Law No. (2) for the year 2006 regarding combating cyber crimes - This is cancelled by Article (50) of Federal Decree Law No. (5) for the year 2012 regarding combating cyber crimes.

Law No. (2) for the year 2006 regarding combating cyber crimes - This is cancelled by Article (50) of Federal Decree Law No. (5) for the year 2012 regarding combating cyber crimes.

Law No. (29) for the year 2005 on amending some provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedures.

Law No. (29) for the year 2005 on amending some provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedures.

Decree No.(92) For the year 2005 regarding jointing the country to the international agreement to fight terroristic attacks with pumps.

Decree No.(92) For the year 2005 regarding jointing the country to the international agreement to fight terroristic attacks with pumps.

Law No.(34) For the year 2005 amending some rules of penalty law.

Law No.(34) For the year 2005 amending some rules of penalty law.

Ministerial Resolution No. (120) of 2003 for amending the executive regulations of the federal law concerning the organization of the punitive organization

Ministerial Resolution No. (120) of 2003 for amending the executive regulations of the federal law concerning the organization of the punitive organization

Federal Law No. 5 of 2017 on the use of "telecommuting" concerning criminal proceedings

Federal Law No. 5 of 2017 on the use of "telecommuting" concerning criminal proceedings

Federal law No. (3) for the year 1987 regarding the issuance of the panel code.

Federal law No. (3) for the year 1987 regarding the issuance of the panel code.

Law No. (11) for the year 1977 regarding the amendment of the table of the salaries of the president of the supreme federal court, its judges and federal public prosecution Attaché d to the law No. (10) for the year 1973 regarding the supreme federal court

Law No. (11) for the year 1977 regarding the amendment of the table of the salaries of the president of the supreme federal court, its judges and federal public prosecution Attaché d to the law No. (10) for the year 1973 regarding the supreme federal court

Law No. (9) for the year 1976 regarding the homeless and displaced juveniles.

Law No. (9) for the year 1976 regarding the homeless and displaced juveniles.

Federal Decree No. (83) for the year 2000 regarding the agreement of space and law cooperation between UAE government and Arab republic of Egypt government

Federal Decree No. (83) for the year 2000 regarding the agreement of space and law cooperation between UAE government and Arab republic of Egypt government

Law No. (43) for the year 1992 regarding organization of penal establishments.

Law No. (43) for the year 1992 regarding organization of penal establishments.

Federal law No. 36 for the year 1992 regarding rehabilitation.

Federal law No. 36 for the year 1992 regarding rehabilitation.

Law No. (35) For the year 1992 regarding issuance of penal procedures law.

Law No. (35) For the year 1992 regarding issuance of penal procedures law.

Law No. (17) for the year 1991 regading the determination of the amount of the blood money to the deceased person by mistake.

Law No. (17) for the year 1991 regading the determination of the amount of the blood money to the deceased person by mistake.

Federal Decree No. (9) for the year 1981 regarding the approval of UAE’s accession to the International Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft.

Federal Decree No. (9) for the year 1981 regarding the approval of UAE’s accession to the International Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft.

Law No. 14 for the year 1995 regarding fighting narcotic materials that affect mentality.

Law No. 14 for the year 1995 regarding fighting narcotic materials that affect mentality.

Federal Decree-Law No. (20) of 2018 on confronting the crimes of money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism and the financing of illegal organisations

Federal Decree-Law No. (20) of 2018

Ministry of Health Decree No. 222 of 2018 on the amendment of Schedule No. (1) attached to Law No. 48 of 1987 about the Control, Use Regulation and the Circulation of Psychotropic Substances

Ministry of Health Decree No. 222 of 2018 on the amendment of Schedule No. (1) attached to Law No. 48 of 1987 about the Control, Use Regulation and the Circulation of Psychotropic Substances

Federal Decree-Law No. (2) of 2018 on Amending Some Provisions of Decree-Federal Law No. (5) of 2012 on Combating Cyber Crimes

The texts of the articles (26), (28) and (42) of Federal Decree-Law No. (5) of 2012 Combating Cyber Crimes shall be replaced by the following texts

Federal Law No. (35) of 1992 Concerning the Issuance of Criminal Procedures Laws

Federal Law No. (35) of 1992 Concerning the Issuance of Criminal Procedures Laws

Federal Law no. (43) of 1992 concerning the Regulation of Punitive Establishments

Federal Law no. (43) of 1992 concerning the Regulation of Punitive Establishments

Law No. (4) of 2024 Regarding the Regulation of Rehabilitation and Correctional Centers in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi

The title "Penal and Correctional Institutions" subject to the Department, wherever mentioned in the applicable legislation in the Emirate, shall be amended to "Rehabilitation and Correctional Centers."

Cabinet Resolution No. (53) of 2019 Regarding the Implementation of Electronic Surveillance

Cabinet Resolution No. (53) of 2019 Regarding the Implementation of Electronic Surveillance

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (800) of 2021 regarding granting some employees of Saaed for Traffic Systems Company with the capacity of judicial enforcement officers

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (800) of 2021 regarding granting some employees of Saaed for Traffic Systems Company with the capacity of judicial enforcement officers

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (857) of 2021 regarding granting some employees of Saaed for Traffic Systems Company, the capacity of judicial enforcement officers

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (857) of 2021 regarding granting some employees of Saaed for Traffic Systems Company, the capacity of judicial enforcement officers

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (812) of 2021, regarding granting some Central Bank employees the capacity of judicial enforcement officers

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (812) of 2021, regarding granting some Central Bank employees the capacity of judicial enforcement officers

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (855) of 2021 regarding granting some employees of the Khorfakan Municipality in the Government of Sharjah the Capacity of Judicial Enforcement Officers

Ministry of Justice Resolution No. (855) of 2021 regarding granting some employees of the Khorfakan Municipality in the Government of Sharjah the Capacity of Judicial Enforcement Officers

Federal Decree No. (9) of 1988, Approving the Accession to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 as amended by the 1972 Protocol, and the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971

Federal Decree No. (9) of 1988

Federal Law No. (43) of 1992 regarding Organization of Correctional facilities

Federal Law No. (43) of 1992 regarding Organization of Correctional facilities

Federal Law No. (20) of 2018 concerning combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism

Federal Law No. (20) of 2018 concerning combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism

Amiri Decree No. (17) of 2023 Regarding the Update of the Compliance Committee in the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah

The committee shall hold its meetings upon the request of the committee's chairman whenever necessary. Its decisions shall be made by a majority vote, and in case of a tie, the side favored by the committee's chairman shall prevail.

Federal Law No. (32) of 1992 concerning the issuance of the Criminal Procedures Law


Federal Decree-Law No. (13) of 2024 Concerning Protection from Domestic Violence

For the purposes of implementing this Decree-Law, domestic violence means any act, omission, statement, or threat of any of them, or neglect or sexual or economic exploitation committed by or contributed to by a member or a number of family members against another member of the same family, on a manner that exceeds family responsibilities, trusteeship, authority or responsibility, and resulting in or aiming to cause physical, psychological, sexual or economic harm or damage.

Ministerial Resolution No. (1109) of 2022 Concerning the establishment of the Federal Prosecution for Economic Crimes and Money Laundering

A specialized federal prosecution office shall be established in the department of each public prosecution called the “Federal Prosecution for Economic Crimes and Money Laundering”, shall be formed from a prosecution member whose rank may not be less than senior attorney general and an adequate number of members.