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Ministerial Resolution No. (25) of 2024 Regarding the adoption of the preview and inspection guide for industrial facilities

Ministerial Resolution No. (25) of 2024 Regarding the adoption of the preview and inspection guide for industrial facilities

The Board of Directors of the Federal Authority for Nuclear Decision No. (33) of 2023 Approving the issuance of the Employee Accreditation Regulation for Operation in Nuclear Facilities (Authority Regulation 17, Version 1)

This regulation establishes the training, qualification, and accreditation requirements for the operating personnel.

Cabinet Resolution No. (98) of 2023 Regulating the licensing of the cultivation and manufacture of tobacco and its products and derivatives

This resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette, and it shall come into force as of the day following its publication.

Cabinet Resolution No. (85) of 2023 Concerning the Technical Regulation for Legal Units of Measurement

Cabinet Resolution No. (85) of 2023

Cabinet Resolution No. (78) of 2023 issuing the Executive Regulations of Federal Decree-Law No. (25) of 2022 regarding the Regulation and Development of Industry

under translation

Cabinet Resolution No. (78) of 2023 Issuing the Executive Regulations of the Federal Decree-Law No. (25) of 2022 on the Regulation and Development of ind


Cabinet Resolution No. (16) of 2023 Regarding the “Made in UAE” label

Cabinet Resolution No. (16) of 2023

Cabinet Resolution No. (103) of 2022 Regarding Administrative Penalties for Actions  that Occur in Violation to the Provisions of Federal Decree-Law No. (17) of 2022 Regulating  the Linkage of Renewable Energy Production Units to the Electrical Grid

Without prejudice to any criminal or administrative penalties stipulated in any other legislation, whoever commits the administrative violations stipulated in the table attached to this Resolution shall be subject to the fines specified for each of them,

Federal Decree-Law No. (17) of 2022 Regulating the Linkage of Renewable Energy Production Units to the Electrical Grid

Organizing the linkage of the production units to the distribution grid and their specifications.

Federal Decree-Law No. (25) of 2022 regarding the Organization and Development of Industry

Federal Decree-Law No. (25) of 2022

Cabinet Resolution No. (64) of 2022 Concerning the National Measurement System

under translation

Cabinet Resolution No. (64) of 2022 Regarding the National Measurement System

Cabinet Resolution No. (64) of 2022 Regarding the National Measurement System

Cabinet Resolution No. (23) of 2022 Regarding the Mandatory Technical Regulations for Energy Efficiency in the United Arab Emirates


Cabinet Resolution No. (25) of 2022 Regarding the Scheme for Outdoor Lighting Products


Cabinet Resolution No. (22) of 2022 Regarding the Adoption of Technical Regulations in a Number of Sectors in the United Arab Emirates


Cabinet Resolution No. (103) of 2021 amending Cabinet Resolution No. (25) of 2017 regarding the "Made in the Emirates" mark system

Cabinet Resolution No. (103) of 2021 amending Cabinet Resolution No. (25) of 2017 regarding the "Made in the Emirates" mark system

Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology Resolution No. (38) of 2021 regarding the adoption of Emirati Standards

Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology Resolution No. (38) of 2021 regarding the adoption of Emirati Standards

Cabinet Resolution No. (72) of 2021 Regarding the National Added Value Program


Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation Board Decision No. (17) of 2021 approving the amended terms of reference for the Radiation Protection Committee

Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation Board Decision No. (17) of 2021

Cabinet Resolution No. (38) of 2021 Regarding the Executive Regulations of Federal Law No. (10) of 2018 Regarding Product Safety

Cabinet Resolution No. (38) of 2021

Cabinet Resolution No. (42) of 2021 Regarding the UAE Regulation for Hydrogen Vehicles

Cabinet Resolution No. (42) of 2021

Cabinet Resolution No. (20) of 2021 regarding the technical regulations for the requirements of self-extinguishing systems for bus engine room fires

Cabinet Resolution No. (20) of 2021

Federal Decree-Law No. (20) of 2020 regarding specifications and metrology

Federal Decree-Law No. (20) of 2020 regarding specifications and metrology

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology Decision No. (6) of 2020 Regarding the Approval of UAE Standards

under translation

Cabinet Resolution No. (39) of 2020 On Mandatory Standard Specifications for Periodic Technical Inspection of Vehicles in the United Arab Emirates


Chairman of the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology Decision No. (4) of 2020 Regarding the Adoption of Emirati Standard Specifications


Chairman of the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology Decision No. (2) of 2020 Regarding the Adoption of Emirati standard specifications


Cabinet Resolution No. (10) of 2020 regarding the UAE law for controlling solar energy products

Cabinet Resolution No. (10) of 2020 regarding the UAE law for controlling solar energy products

Cabinet Resolution No. (4) of 2020 Regarding the Mandatory Standards for the Food Sector in the United Arab Emirates


Cabinet Resolution No. (3) of 2020 Regarding Mandatory Standards for the Electricity Sector in the United Arab Emirates


Cabinet Resolution No. (4) of 2020 Regarding Mandatory Standards for the Food Sector in the United Arab Emirates


Cabinet Resolution No. (3) of 2020 Regarding the Mandatory Standards for the Electricity Sector in the United Arab Emirates


Board of the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation Administration Decision No. (15) of 2018 Regarding the Adoption of the Regulation Limits the Radiation Dose and the Optimal Improvement for the Prevention of Nuclear Facilities (FANR-REG-04)


Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Authority for Nuclear Supervision Decision No. (17) of 2019 Renew the Period of Work of the Radiation Protection Committee in the Country and Adopt its Amended Reference Conditions


Cabinet Resolution No. (61) of 2019 regarding the UAE system for conformity and classification requirements for vehicle repair facilities and service centers

Cabinet Resolution No. (61) of 2019 regarding the UAE system for conformity and classification requirements for vehicle repair facilities and service centers

Cabinet Resolution No. (49) of 2019 Regarding the Matter of Service Fees Provided by the Ministry of Energy and Industry


Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA) Decision No. (21) of 2019 Regarding the Adoption of UAE Standards


Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology Decision No. (20) of 2019 Regarding the Replacement of the Tula unit in the Perfume Trade and Commercial Exchange in the Country with the Units of the International Measurement Law


Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA) Decision No. (18) of 2019 Regarding the UAE Environmental Mark Regulation and Licensing Requirements for its Use


Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology Decision No. (17) of 2019 Regarding the Adoption of Emirate Standard Specifications


Cabinet Resolution No. (34) of 2019 Regarding the UAE System for Controlling Child Care Requirements


Cabinet Resolution No. (19) of 2019 Regarding the Standard Specification Mandatory Application in the United Arab Emirates


Cabinet Resolution No. (12) of 2019 Concerning a Mandatory Standard for Implementation in the UAE

under translation

Ministry of Economy Resolution No. (4) of 2019 Regarding the Adoption of UAE Standard Specifications


Ministry of Economy Resolution No. (3) of 2019 on the adoption of the UAE standard for "happiness and positive"

Ministry of Economy Resolution No. (3) of 2019 on the adoption of the UAE standard for "happiness and positive"

Ministry of Economy Resolution No. (2) of 2019 Regarding the Adoption of Standard Specifications and the Amendment of the Cabinet Resolution No. (3) of 2016 Regarding the UAE System for the Control of Equipment, Tools and Materials of Personal Protection and Occupational Safety and Health


Cabinet Resolution No. (5) of 2019 Regarding the Standard Specifications with the Mandatory Application in the United Arab Emirates


Cabinet Resolution No. (6) of 2019 Regarding the Adoption of the GCC Technical Statute for Low-Voltage Electrical Appliances and Equipments


Ministry of Economy Resolution No. (28) of 2018 Approving of the UAE Standard

under translation

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology Chairman Decision No. (17) of 2018 Adopting of UAE Standard Specifications in the Chemicals, Cosmetics and Personal Care Sectors

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology Chairman Decision No. (17) of 2018

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology Decision No. (19) of 2018 Adopting the Mandatory Area for Vehicle Inspection Bodies of All Types and the Mandatory Technical Requirements

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology Decision No. (19) of 2018

Cabinet Resolution No. (12) of 2018 Concerning the U.A.E Control System over the Vehicle Spare Parts

Cabinet Resolution No. (12) of 2018

Cabinet Resolution No. (49) of 2017 Regarding the Application of a Mandatory Standard in the United Arab Emirates


Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology Decision No. (78) of 2017 Regarding the UAE Mark of Conformity


Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology No. 77 of 2017 about the enactment of the UAE standard specifications

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology No. 77 of 2017 about the enactment of the UAE standard specifications

Cabinet Resolution No. (25) of 2017 regarding the law regulating “Made in the UAE” label

Cabinet Resolution No. (25) of 2017

Cabinet Resolution No. (14) of 2017 Regarding the Mandatory Standard Specifications in the United Arab Emirates


Cabinet Resolution No. (13) of 2017 Regarding the Mandatory Standard in the United Arab Emirates


Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology Decision No. (42) of 2017 Regarding the Confirmation of the Amendment to the Annexe to "Emirates Regulation for Control of Products Guide Concerning Water Consumption Issued by Decree No. (43) of 2014


Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology No. 44 of 2017 about the enactment of UAE standards

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology No. 44 of 2017 about the enactment of UAE standards

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology No. 43 of 2017 about the enactment of the Regulations "Technical Requirements for Recording Products and Systems for Aircraft and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles."

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology No. 43 of 2017 about the enactment of the Regulations "Technical Requirements for Recording Products and Systems for Aircraft and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles."

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology No. 18 of 2017 about the enactment of UAE standards

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology No. 18 of 2017 about the enactment of UAE standards

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology No. 12 of 2017 about the enactment of the update on the cards "unified energy efficiency" using the electronic chip

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology No. 12 of 2017 about the enactment of the update on the cards "unified energy efficiency" using the electronic chip

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology No. 11 of 2017 on the enactment of UAE standards

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology No. 11 of 2017 on the enactment of UAE standards

Cabinet Resolution No. (4) of 2017 Regarding the Organizational Structure of the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology


Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology Decision No. (9) of 2017 Regarding the Confirmation of the System of Industrial Measurements


Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology No. 8 of 2017 about the enactment of "technical requirements for the control of used vehicles imported into the State

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology No. 8 of 2017 about the enactment of "technical requirements for the control of used vehicles imported into the State

Cabinet Resolution No. (1) of 2017 Regarding the Application of Mandatory Standard Specifications in the United Arab Emirates


Cabinet Resolution No. (35) of 2015 regarding the UAE law for control of compliance assessment bodies

Cabinet Resolution No. (35) of 2015

Cabinet Resolution No. (43) of 2014 regarding the Emirati Control System of Tools that Rationalize Water Consumption

Cabinet Resolution No. (43) of 2014

Cabinet Resolution No. (10) of 2014 regarding the UAE law for control of Halal products

Cabinet Resolution No. (10) of 2014

Ministerial Resolution No. (34) of 2010 ratifying and revoking mandatory standard specifications of The United Arab Emirates

Ministerial Resolution No. (34) of 2010 ratifying and revoking mandatory standard specifications of The United Arab Emirates

Chairman of Executive Committee Decision No. (17) of 2010 Approving of UAE standard specifications

Chairman of Executive Committee Decision No. (17) of 2010 Approving of UAE standard specifications

Cabinet Resolution No. (40) of 2009 approving a compensatory standard measure for UAE

Under Translation

Chairman of Board of Directors Decision No. (26) of 2009 regarding the issuance of requirements and conditions related to registration of low voltage electrical devices

Chairman of Board of Directors Decision No. (26) of 2009

Cabinet Resolution No. (37) of 2009 establishing the Emirates Council for Water and Electricity

Cabinet Resolution No. (37) of 2009

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (27) of 2009 Approving of Mandatory Standardized Specifications for the State of the United Arab Emirates

Minister of Justice Resolution No. (27) of 2009

Chairman Decision No. (10) of 2009 approving of UAE Standard Specifications

Chairman Decision No. (10) of 2009 approving of UAE Standard Specifications

Federal Law No 31 year 1999 for Establishing the Federal Authority for Electricity and Water

In enforcing this Law the following words and expressions shall have the meanings shown opposite each unless the text otherwise dictates

Federal Law No (9) of the year 2008 Amending some provisions of Federal Law No (31) of the year 1999 for Establishing Federal Authority for Electricity and Water

A new article shall be added to the abovementioned Federal Law No (31) of the year 1999, under No (23) repeated to read: Article 23 repeated

Cabinet Resolution No. (20) of 2008 regulating of the activities of crushers, quarries and transporting their products

Cabinet Resolution No. (20) of 2008

Decree No. (97) of 2007 regarding the ratification of the Framework Agreement between the government of the State and the government of the Republic of India to develop relations in the field of industry

Decree No. (97) of 2007 regarding the ratification of the Framework Agreement between the government of the State and the government of the Republic of India to develop relations in the field of industry

Resolution No. (108) of 2007 amending certain of the fees contained in the Ministerial Resolution No. (268) of 2006

Resolution No. (108) of 2007 amending certain of the fees contained in the Ministerial Resolution No. (268) of 2006

Ministerial Resolution No. (19) of 2007 regarding the authorization to sign checks withdrawn at the expense of the Ministry of Finance and Industry

Ministerial Resolution No. (19) of 2007

Federal Law No. (31) For the Year 2006 on Amending the Federal Law No. (17) For the Year 2002

After reviewing the constitution, federal law No. (1) for the year 1972 on competences of ministries and powers of...

Resolution No. (351) of 2006 regarding treatment of timber and technical requirements so

Resolution No. (351) of 2006

Resolution No. (155) of 2005 regarding adoption of classification of production, Manufacturing and preparation of Organic product in UAE

Resolution No. (155) of 2005

Ministerial Resolution No. (26) of 2005 forming the permanent national committee to prepare national notice for UAE

Ministerial Resolution No. (26) of 2005

Resolution No. (25) of 2005 forming supreme permanent national committee for the development mechanism

Resolution No. (25) of 2005

Resolution No. (20) of 2005 Authorizing the signature

Resolution No. (20) of 2005

Cabinet Resolution No. (22) of 2004 Concerning the Implementing Regulations of the National Accreditation System

Cabinet Resolution No. (22) of 2004

Cabinet Resolution No. (20) of 2004 on regulation on amendment of certain provisions of the Cabinet Resolution No. (27) of 2001 Personnel Regulations the Financial Regulations and Articles of Association of the Federal Authority Electricity and water

Cabinet Resolution No. (20) of 2004

Resolution No. (57) of 2004 regarding regulation principles for managing radiant Waste

Resolution No. (57) of 2004

Resolution No. (55) of 2004 regarding Basic Regulations for Prevention of Ionized Radiation

Resolution No. (55) of 2004

The Resolution According to the Latest Amendments - Cabinet Resolution No. (11) of 2004 Regarding the Formation of National Supreme Committee for Clean Development Mechanism

under translation

Ministerial Resolution No. (50) of 2003 concerning the basic organizational rules for protection against ionizing radiators – Repealed by article (2) of Resolution No. (55) of 2004 about the organizational rules for protection against ionized rotations

Ministerial Resolution No. (50) of 2003 concerning the basic organizational rules for protection against ionizing radiators – Repealed by article (2) of Resolution No. (55) of 2004 about the organizational rules for protection against ionized rotations

Cabinet Resolution No. (2) of 2003 regarding the amendment and introduction of some fees for the services that are presented by emirate standards and specification organization

Cabinet Resolution No. (2) of 2003

Federal Law No. (17) For the Year 2002 Pertaining the Organization and Protection of the Industrial Property of Patents, Industrial Drawings and Designs

After reviewing the constitution, federal law No. (1) for the year 1972 on competences of ministries and powers of...

Cabinet Resolution No. (12) of 2002 regarding the Organizational Structure of the Ministry of Electricity and Water - Repealed pursuant to the provision of Article (48) of Resolution No. (25) of 2006 concerning the Organizational Structure of the Ministry of Energy

Cabinet Resolution No. (12) of 2002

Federal Law No. (28) of 2001 regarding the Establishment of Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology

Federal Law No. (28) of 2001

The Regulation according to the latest amendment - ministerial Resolution No. (27) of 2001 regarding work regulation of workers matters, financial regulation, regulation of equipment and contract of business of the Federal Electricity and water Authority

The Regulation according to the latest amendment - ministerial Resolution No. (27) of 2001 regarding work regulation of workers matters, financial regulation, regulation of equipment and contract of business of the Federal Electricity and water Authority

The Regulation According the Latest Amendment - Cabinet Resolution No. (27) of 2001 regarding Employee affairs, financial regulations, materials regulations and works contracting for Federal Electricity and Water Authority

The Regulation According the Latest Amendment - Cabinet Resolution No. (27) of 2001

Ministerial Resolution No. (3) of 2001 regarding the cost of research and technical inspection for the patent applications

Ministerial Resolution No. (3) of 2001 regarding the cost of research and technical inspection for the patent applications

Federal Law No. (22) of 2000 on the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry

Federal Law No. (22) of 2000

Ministerial Resolution No. (189) of 2000 regarding approval of experimental and guidance standards for the United Arab Emirates

Ministerial Resolution No. (189) of 2000 regarding approval of experimental and guidance standards for the United Arab Emirates

Cabinet Resolution No. (7) of 2000 Approving of the mandatory standard specifications of the state of United Arab Emirates

Cabinet Resolution No. (7) of 2000

The Law According to the Latest Amendment - Federal Law No. (31) of 1999 Regarding the Establishment of The Federal Electricity and Water Authority

under translation

Ministerial Resolution No. (324) of 1996 to connect electricity by the consumer

Ministerial Resolution No. (324) of 1996 to connect electricity by the consumer

Ministerial Resolution No. (13) of 1996 regarding electricity connections and fees of categories

Ministerial Resolution No. (13) of 1996

Ministerial Resolution No. (13) of 1996 regarding electricity connections and fees of categories

Ministerial Resolution No. (13) of 1996 regarding electricity connections and fees of categories

Cabinet Resolution No. (11) of 1993 regarding the executive regulation for the federal law regarding protection of the industrial property of patents and industrial designs

Cabinet Resolution No. (11) of 1993

Ministerial Resolution No. (350) of 1990 regarding formation of the committee to implement the incorporation of the electricity and water department in Ras Al Khaimah to the ministry of electricity and water

Ministerial Resolution No. (350) of 1990 regarding formation of the committee to implement the incorporation of the electricity and water department in Ras Al Khaimah to the ministry of electricity and water

Ministerial Resolution No. (324) of 1990 regarding implementation of the organizational structure of the ministry of electricity and water

Ministerial Resolution No. (324) of 1990 regarding implementation of the organizational structure of the ministry of electricity and water

Ministerial Resolution No. (323) of 1990 regarding implementation of the organizational structure of the ministry of electricity and water

Ministerial Resolution No. (323) of 1990

Ministerial Resolution No. (322) of 1990 regarding implementation of the organizational structure of the ministry of electricity and water

Ministerial Resolution No. (322) of 1990 regarding implementation of the organizational structure of the ministry of electricity and water

Ministerial Resolution No. (250) of 1989 obligating consumers of Electricity and Water at the middle region to pay their due amounts

Ministerial Resolution No. (250) of 1989 obligating consumers of Electricity and Water at the middle region to pay their due amounts

Ministerial Resolution No. (215) of 1989 regarding conditions to be met in the locations of installing water and electricity meters

Ministerial Resolution No. (215) of 1989

Ministerial Resolution No. (155) of 1989 regarding completion of electrical extensions

Ministerial Resolution No. (155) of 1989 regarding completion of electrical extensions

Ministerial Resolution No. (20) of 1989 regarding fixing the date to deal with the new prices for electricity connecting materials

Ministerial Resolution No. (20) of 1989 regarding fixing the date to deal with the new prices for electricity connecting materials

Ministerial Resolution No. (43) of 1988 regarding the responsibility of the General Administration for Water for all the regions of the Ministry

Ministerial Resolution No. (43) of 1988 regarding the responsibility of the General Administration for Water for all the regions of the Ministry

Ministerial Resolution No. (122) of 1987 regarding composing of the committee for revising the applications for exemptions from delayed fines

Ministerial Resolution No. (122) of 1987 regarding composing of the committee for revising the applications for exemptions from delayed fines

Cabinet Resolution No. (2) of 1987 on determining the fees for registering a contractors and suppliers company in the Ministry of Electricity and Water registry

Cabinet Resolution No. (2) of 1987

Ministerial Resolution No. (45) of 1986 on formation of the Settlement Committee

Ministerial Resolution No. (45) of 1986 on formation of the Settlement Committee

Ministerial Resolution No. (57) of 1985 regarding amending duration of the new prices

Ministerial Resolution No. (57) of 1985 regarding amending duration of the new prices

Ministerial Resolution No. (56) of 1985 on the new prices of power supply materials

Ministerial Resolution No. (56) of 1985 on the new prices of power supply materials

Ministerial Resolution No. (54) of 1985 regarding the establishment of the Department of Internal Control and Follow-up

Ministerial Resolution No. (54) of 1985 regarding the establishment of the Department of Internal Control and Follow-up

Ministerial Resolution No. (53) of 1985 regarding integrating two departments into the Accounts and Budget Department

Ministerial Resolution No. (53) of 1985 regarding integrating two departments into the Accounts and Budget Department

Ministerial Resolution No. (81) of 1984 regarding the establishment of the Department of Communications, Computer and Training

Ministerial Resolution No. (81) of 1984

Federal Law No. (21) of 1981 on establishing General Authority for Water Resources Management


Cabinet Resolution No. (4) of 1981 regarding System of the Ministry of Electricity and Water

Cabinet Resolution No. (4) of 1981 regarding System of the Ministry of Electricity and Water

Ministerial Resolution No. (14) of 1978 regarding the stopping of the new electrical connections in Ajman

Ministerial Resolution No. (14) of 1978

Ministerial Resolution No (26 D) of 1980 in the executive regulation of the federal law No (1) for the year 1979

After reviewing the federal Law No. (1) For the year 1979, on the organization of the industry affairs

The Chairman's decision No. (12) For the year 2008 regarding adoption UAE standard specifications

The Chairman's decision No. (12) For the year 2008 regarding adoption UAE standard specifications

Law according to the latest amendment - Union Law No. 17 For the year 2002 for organizing and protecting the industrial property for patents and industrial drawings and designs.

Law according to the latest amendment - Union Law No. 17 For the year 2002 for organizing and protecting the industrial property for patents and industrial drawings and designs.

Decision of the Board of Directors No. (5/1) dated 18/6/2009 regarding the Executive Regulation to regulate the works of the Legal Standards in the State, issued pursuant to the Article No. (16) of the Cabinet Resolution No. (31) of 2006 regarding the National System of Standards

Repealed pursuant to the provision of Article 4-16 of the Board of Directors of emirate specifications and Standards Authority Decision No. (75) of 2016 approving the Executive Regulation to regulate the works of the Legal Standards

Union Decree No. (85) For the year 2009 regarding rectification of the Cooperation Convention between the State Government and the Government of USA regarding the peaceful use of the Nuclear Energy.

Union Decree No. (85) For the year 2009 regarding rectification of the Cooperation Convention between the State Government and the Government of USA regarding the peaceful use of the Nuclear Energy.

Chairman Decision of the Authority No. (5) For the year 2009 for adopting Emirates Standard Specifications.

Chairman Decision of the Authority No. (5) For the year 2009 for adopting Emirates Standard Specifications.

Law according to the latest amendment – Union Law No. 28 For the year 2001 for establishing Emirates Authority of Specifications and Standards.

Law according to the latest amendment – Union Law No. 28 For the year 2001 for establishing Emirates Authority of Specifications and Standards.

Federal Law No. (9) For the year 2008 regarding amendment of federal Law No. (31) For the year 1999 regarding federal authority for electricity and water establishment.

Federal Law No. (9) For the year 2008 regarding amendment of federal Law No. (31) For the year 1999 regarding federal authority for electricity and water establishment.

Federal decree No ( 73 ) For the year 2008 regarding cooperation accord between the state government and the government of republic of France for the peaceful use of atomic energy development

Federal decree No ( 73 ) For the year 2008 regarding cooperation accord between the state government and the government of republic of France for the peaceful use of atomic energy development

Minister of Energy decision No. (69) For the year 2008 to establish the Council of Policies and Strategies at the Ministry Energy.

Minister of Energy decision No. (69) For the year 2008 to establish the Council of Policies and Strategies at the Ministry Energy.

Cabinet Resolution No. (2) of 2008 regarding the organizational structure of the Ministry of Public Sector Development

Cabinet Resolution No. (2) of 2008 regarding the organizational structure of the Ministry of Public Sector Development

Decree No. (97) For the year 2007 concerning the ratification of the Framework Agreement between the Government of the State and the Government of the Republic of India for the development of industrial relations.

Decree No. (97) For the year 2007 concerning the ratification of the Framework Agreement between the Government of the State and the Government of the Republic of India for the development of industrial relations.

Resolution No. (34) of 2007 amending the Cabinet Resolution No. (27) of 2001 regarding the Personnel Regulations, the Financial Regulation, the Articles of Association and the Business Regulations of the Federal Electricity and Water Authority

Resolution No. (34) of 2007

Decree No. 17 For the year 2007 appointing the Director General of the Federal Authority for Electricity and Water.

Decree No. 17 For the year 2007 appointing the Director General of the Federal Authority for Electricity and Water.

Federal decree No (108) For the year 2006 regarding the retirement of assistant-undersecretary.

Federal decree No (108) For the year 2006 regarding the retirement of assistant-undersecretary.

Decree No. (14) for the year 2006 regarding amendment of the capital of Emirates SembCorp Water & Power Company.

Decree No. (14) for the year 2006 regarding amendment of the capital of Emirates SembCorp Water & Power Company.

Law No. (31) For the year 2006 regarding regulation and protection of industrial property of patents and industrial design.

Law No. (31) For the year 2006 regarding regulation and protection of industrial property of patents and industrial design.

Resolution No. (31) of 2006 concerning the national system for measurements

Resolution No. (31) of 2006

Resolution No. (25) of 2006 Regarding the organizational structure for the Ministry of Power - Repealed pursuant to the provision of Article (31) of the Resolution No. (11) of 2008 Regarding the organizational structure for the Ministry of Power

Resolution No. (25) of 2006

Decree No. (73) of 2005 regarding the Common Industrial Regulatory Law (Act) of the GCC Countries

Decree No. (73) of 2005

Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution No. (49) of 2017 Concerning the Assignment of Duties of the Board of Directors of the Regulation and Supervision Bureau for the Water and Electricity Sector

This Resolution shall be effective from the date of its issuance and shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Federal Decree No. (102) for the year 1977 regarding the appointment of an Assistant Director of Financial Affairs of the Ministry of Electricity and Water.

Federal Decree No. (102) for the year 1977 regarding the appointment of an Assistant Director of Financial Affairs of the Ministry of Electricity and Water.

Federal Decree No. (68) for the year 1974 regarding the appointment of an Assistant Director of Administrative Affairs of the Ministry of Electricity and Water.

Federal Decree No. (68) for the year 1974 regarding the appointment of an Assistant Director of Administrative Affairs of the Ministry of Electricity and Water.

Federal Decree No. (67) for the year 1974 regarding the appointment of an Assistant Director of Financial Affairs of the Ministry of Electricity and Water.

Federal Decree No. (67) for the year 1974 regarding the appointment of an Assistant Director of Financial Affairs of the Ministry of Electricity and Water.

Federal Decree No. (13) for the year 1976 regarding the appointment of the Director of the Eastern Regions Department of the Ministry of Electricity and Water.

Federal Decree No. (13) for the year 1976 regarding the appointment of the Director of the Eastern Regions Department of the Ministry of Electricity and Water.

Federal Decree No. (17) for the year 1972 regarding the appointment of the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Electricity.

Federal Decree No. (17) for the year 1972 regarding the appointment of the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Electricity.

Federal Decree No. (87) for the year 1972 regarding the appointment of the Director of the Financial and Administrative Affairs of the Ministry Electricity.

Federal Decree No. (87) for the year 1972 regarding the appointment of the Director of the Financial and Administrative Affairs of the Ministry Electricity.

Directory of Services provided by the Ministry of Economy 2017 - The Industrial Development Sector - The Department of Industrial Organisation

Directory of Services provided by the Ministry of Economy 2017 - The Industrial Development Sector - The Department of Industrial Organisation

Directory of Services provided by the Ministry of Economy 2017 - The Industrial Development Sector - The Department of Origin

Directory of Services provided by the Ministry of Economy 2017 - The Industrial Development Sector - The Department of Origin

Directory of Services provided by the Ministry of Economy 2017 - The Industrial Development Sector - The Department of Harmful Practices

Directory of Services provided by the Ministry of Economy 2017 - The Industrial Development Sector - The Department of Harmful Practices

Cabinet Resolution No. (11) of 1993 regarding the executive regulation for the federal law regarding protection of the industrial property of patents and industrial designs

Cabinet Resolution No. (11) of 1993

Ministerial Decision No. (26) for the year 1980 for the executive regulations of the federal law organizing industry affairs.

Ministerial Decision No. (26) for the year 1980 for the executive regulations of the federal law organizing industry affairs.

Ministerial Resolution No. (26) of 1980 for the executive regulations of the federal law organizing industry affairs

Ministerial Resolution No. (26) of 1980

Law No. (12) for the year 1982 regarding the authorization of the minister of electricity and water to issue the rules related to the organizationg and determination of the prices of the electricity and water and the fees imposed on the users and the financial penalties and the case of exemption from such fines.

Law No. (12) for the year 1982 regarding the authorization of the minister of electricity and water to issue the rules related to the organizationg and determination of the prices of the electricity and water and the fees imposed on the users and the financial penalties and the case of exemption from such fines.

Law No. (1) for the year 1979 regarding the organization of the industry affairs.

Law No. (1) for the year 1979 regarding the organization of the industry affairs.

Law No. (44) For the year 1992regarding organizational and protection of industrial ownership of patents and drawings and industrial forms – cancelled according to article (73) of law 17/2002.

Law No. (44) For the year 1992 regarding organizational and protection of industrial ownership of patents and drawings and industrial forms – cancelled according to article (73) of law 17/2002.

Law No. (14) for the year 1991 regarding the combination of the two facilities of electricity and water in the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah to the Ministry of electricity and water.

Law No. (14) for the year 1991 regarding the combination of the two facilities of electricity and water in the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah to the Ministry of electricity and water.

Federal Decree No. (97) for the year 1982 regarding the approval of the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development.

Federal Decree No. (97) for the year 1982 regarding the approval of the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development.

Federal law No. (17) For the year 2002 regarding Organization and protection of the industrial ownership of patent rights and industrial drawings and forms.

Federal law No. (17) For the year 2002 regarding Organization and protection of the industrial ownership of patent rights and industrial drawings and forms.

Federal law No. (28) For the year 2001 establishing Emirate authority for specializations and measurements.

Federal law No. (28) For the year 2001 establishing Emirate authority for specializations and measurements.

Federal Decree No. (73) for the year 1980 regarding the approval of UAE’s accession to the Arab Insurance Group Incorporation Agreement.

Federal Decree No. (73) for the year 1980 regarding the approval of UAE’s accession to the Arab Insurance Group Incorporation Agreement.

Law No. (31) For the year 1999 regarding establishing the Federal authority or electricity and water.

Law No. (31) For the year 1999 regarding establishing the Federal authority or electricity and water.

Ministry of Economy Services Manual 2017 - Industrial Development Sector - Establishment Management

Ministry of Economy Services Manual 2017 - Industrial Development Sector - Establishment Management

Ministry of Economy Services Manual 2017 - Industrial Development Sector - Industrial Organization Department

Ministry of Economy Services Manual 2017 - Industrial Development Sector - Industrial Organization Department

Cabinet Resolution No. (121) of 2023 Regarding the UAE scheme for steel bars for Concrete Reinforcement

This Resolution shall be published in the official gazette and shall come into force as of the day following its publication.

Cabinet Resolution No. (140) of 2023 Regarding the Technical Regulations for Consumer Meters

This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall enter into force from the day following the date of its publication.

Ministerial Resolution No. (207) of 2023 Regarding the Determination of Approved Industrial Activities

This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall be effective from the day following its publication.

Ministerial Resolution No. (24) of 2024 Concerning the Procedures for Handling the Cases of Grievances Received from Customers Using the Services of Ministry

This resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall come into force from the date of publishing such.

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology Decision No. (16) of 2018 Adopting of the UAE Technical Regulation for the Legal Measurement Tools

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology Decision No. (16) of 2018

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology Decision No. (18) of 2018 Adopting the Mandatory Field for “Medical Laboratories” and the Mandatory Technical Requirements

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology Decision No. (18) of 2018 Adopting the Mandatory Field for “Medical Laboratories” and the Mandatory Technical Requirements

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology Decision No. (20) of 2018 Amending the Chairman Decision No. (43) of 2017 on the Technical Requirements Regulation for the Registration of Products and Unmanned Aircraft and Aerial Vehicles Systems

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology Decision No. (20) of 2018 Amending the Chairman Decision No. (43) of 2017 on the Technical Requirements Regulation for the Registration of Products and Unmanned Aircraft and Aerial Vehicles Systems

Cabinet Resolution No. (119) of 2023 on Administrative Violations and Penalties Imposed on Violators of the Provisions of Cabinet Resolution No. (118) of 2023 on the Industrial-Usage Waste Valuation Policy Controls

The Cabinet shall be competent to make any amendments to the administrative fines contained herein, whether by addition, deletion, or amendment, based on a proposal from the Minister of Finance based on a proposal from the Minister of Economy, after coordination with the competent authority and the recommendations of the Committee.

Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology Resolution No. (19) of 2024 Regarding the National Mark for the National Content Program

under translation

Cabinet Resolution No. (2) of 2024 Amending Certain Provisions of Cabinet Resolution No. (72) of 2021 Regarding the National Value-Added Program

The shape of the National Value-Added Program logo attached to the referred to Cabinet Resolution No. (72) of 2021 shall be repealed after determining the new shape of the logo by a Resolution of the Minister.

Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology Resolution No. (60) of 2022 Regarding the Approval of UAE Standard Specifications

under translation

Cabinet Resolution No. (62) of 2022 Regarding the Technical Regulations for Three-Piece Round Tin Cans Used for Packaging Food Products in the United Arab Emirates

under translation